The line~
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Since exams have ended, things have been pretty much mundane, so i've decided to become a food reviewer! Do not proceed with a empty stomach! Let's not drool all over your precious keyboard...
Recently, my mum brought me and my brother to this buffet restaurant called The Line. It is located at the Shangri-la Singapore. At first, i was a little apprehensive, was it going to be just like other normal buffets? With limited spread, overly starchy soup, crusty dry hard bread, overly salted meat, pieces of unnamed mystery cake and syrup laden desserts? Oh boy, was i wrong... wait till you see....
The variety was mind boggling, the place was so jam packed, my mum had to book 2 weeks in advance?! I think i didn't make it through even half of the buffet before my tummy felt like it was going to burst.

SO little waiters? Service was impeccable, prompt, fast despite the restaurant being packed.

Very chic design. The white and orange colours of the restaurant go very well together, plus, I like the restaurant because it is surrounded by lush green foilage and this makes the lunching experience all the more enjoyable when you are seated next to the window which presents you with your little oasis.

It was just mind-boggling because every corner you turned, there was another spread waiting you.
Indian food like curry and tandori, chinese food like dim sum and stir-fried items, japanese food like sushi and sashimi, cold appeitisers, fresh seafood (the freshest prawns, oysters, crabs and scallops!), desserts (crazy load of desserts awaiting me including a one metre high fondue fountain!) and western food such as baked chicken, lasagne, pasta, pizza...

More and more food! o:

OMG, can u count the amount? Its a buffet on its own la... I went wild here. There were mousse desserts, cakes, pastries, (even macaroons!), and kuehs! Unfortunately, I didn't get to try every item!

A close up! Aren't you all drooling now? slurrpppp

They even got an ice-cream booth! It comes with a whole load of variety of sweets! Just to decorate your ice cream concoction! Plus, they change their flavours everyday...

SOOOOOOOO many toppings!~
Okay, that's it! More coming up next time...
PS: Nice food doesn't come cheap, it costs at least $50 per person....happy saving...
Marc woke up at $BlogItemDateTime$>
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Dylan goh,
Little did i know how cowardly you are, to think that you do not have the bloody guts to admit what you've done. You couldn't stand up for yourself, you had to bring your mum and perhaps your auntie out to shield you? How more pathetic can u get?
I was so infuriated by your insolence that i was truly speechless. We even came to ask you nicely with utmost courtesy, we could've slandered and slaughtered you right on the spot. Instead of giving us the courtesy back, you threw your bag on the floor and demanded us to check it, what do u take us for? Your *ucking servants?
You even had the Audacity to scold us *astards right in front of your mother! Do u even know what that word means? If it wasn't for your mum over there i would've ripped your throat out there and then. And, did your mum ever taught you what respect is? I'm sure she has, but little does she know, her fat ass of a son doesn't comprehend the simple concept of basic etiquette.
I really feel sad for your mum, even though she couldn't tell who was right or wrong, she defended you all the way. You should feel downright ashamed of yourself on how you are repaying her. She took so much effort to raise you up to be a gentleman and little does she know, her son turns out to be a supercilious, truculent pedophile.
What's more, if you weren't guilty, why did you act so angrily? Why did you walk off so fast at the end of school? Even a 2 year old could've seen right through it.
I can safely assure you BabiJI, that this matter hasn't drawn to a close, i will not let it rest till i see that you deserve what you get. Afterall, in this modern society the Law is merciless, cruel and harsh and so am I.
Marc woke up at $BlogItemDateTime$>
Despaired, Desperate, Dejected
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Results were out.
English, though compre wasn't too badly done, compo was a dismal failure, i expected myself to achieve much higher marks than what i got. Screw Dava.
Geog, again, was counting on this to really pull me up like siao, then only get 80, sigh, what am i to do?
Chinese, i really dont want to talk about this.
Maths was the ultimate failure, until now, i'm still hoping this is just a horrible dream i've yet to wake up from. God knows how hard i'm praying my earlier tests and exams will pull me up to at least a 70 for avg.
Tomoros subjects are the ones which i am also hoping and praying very hard that they are the ones which i really excel in.
If i dont score, then, so much for scaling to greater heights and becoming a lawyer.
As well as so much for my future i have meticulously and nicely planned.
Marc woke up at $BlogItemDateTime$>
A little encouragement
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Here is a quote i found:
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,
We ask ourselves, Who are we to be brilliant, fabulous, talented and gorgeous?
Actually, Who are you not to be?
So, if our EOY results come back and they are not what we wanted, then don't tell yourself that you are weak, in fact you are too powerful for the academic system to handle you (:
Marc woke up at $BlogItemDateTime$>
Friday, October 12, 2007
The matter has come to an end, let's not pursue it any further and let us continue with life. Plus, i have added some music, no more cheenah CO music but something from LSO and Tokyo Kosei after that...enjoy
Marc woke up at $BlogItemDateTime$>
Tuesday Blues...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I'm back after grueling exams. Science was an absolute disaster, maths paper 1 has gotten me freaked out and i'm trying my best to push chinese out of my mind.So this is my expected take on the results for these tests.
Maths- dead
Science- Deader
Chinese- DEADEST
so ultimately, it'll be:

Good luck to me... and bye bye 8PC...
And a note to our dearest Discipline Master:
Please, please get yourself an english tutor, your conduct of the world's most spoken language is extremely appalling. The whole time that you were giving that absoulutely fascinating speech i couldn't stop squirming in my seat and i was on the edge of bursting out in laughter. All i could do to stop myself from going delirious was to bite my lip. And in future, come prepared and know what to say, DON'T repeat what you have said a million times over on the pretext of emphasizing your point while the sad little truth is you have nothing better to say. So i suggest next time, you shut your stupid little mouth...
Marc woke up at $BlogItemDateTime$>